



  "We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals"

  1989年的壹天,突然降生了四十三名嬰兒,他們的母親之間毫無關聯,而且在之前壹天沒有任何懷孕的跡象。其中七名嬰兒由億萬富翁實業家雷吉納爾德·哈格裏維斯爵士領養,爵士創建了傘學院,為“孩子們”做好拯救世界的準備。多年後,Hargreeves的孩子們因他的葬禮重新團聚。Luther懷疑Hargreeves死因不正常,因為他總是穿著的單片眼鏡不見了。在兄弟 姐妹全部到達家中後不久,五號出現在壹個奇怪的藍色漩渦中。五號聲稱自己從未來回到現在,意識已有58歲但身體依然是孩子。Luther懷疑Hargreeves死跟身邊的親信有關讓兄弟 姐妹之間出現了緊張關系,Diego跟Luther的打鬥也摧毀了已逝兄弟Ben的雕像。後來當五號去甜甜圈店時被幾名武裝人員攻擊,在處理武裝人員後,五號移除掉手臂上的追蹤器。其他場景透露了Diego跟Hargreeves遺失的單片眼鏡有關系,而Klaus可以跟Ben的靈魂交談。 《傘學院》第壹季第二集:


  "Run Boy Run"

  五號到Vanya的公寓並警告他被疏遠的妹妹,世界末日將在八天內來臨。Vanya認為,五號的心理被時間旅行所破壞,世界末日並不是真的。特工Cha-Cha和Hazel到達汽車旅館開始追蹤他們的目標。Luther 得知 Diego在他們父親去世時正在進行壹場拳擊比賽,這讓Diego排除殺死父親嫌疑,而Vanya則會見了她新的小提琴學生Leonard。在Klaus的幫助下,五號試圖找出他在未來發現的假眼的來源,知道它的主人將很快毀滅這個世界。然而,兄弟們了解到假眼在這時間點還沒有被制造。五號去壹家百貨公司找壹個假人模特兒“Delores”,Delores在未來陪伴五號長達30年,同時遭到Cha-Cha和Hazel的襲擊。Diego舊識的朋友"警探Eudora Patch"調查了甜甜圈店的死亡事件,但她唯壹的證人已經被Cha-Cha和Hazel審訊並殺害。當Allison 看到她童年時代的舊監控錄像讓自己振作起來時,她發現了壹盒令人不安的錄像帶。 《非常普通》

  "Extra Ordinary"

  After Allison shows Luther the videotape of what looks like Grace, the siblings' android "mother", serving poisoned tea to their father, the two ask their mother about the incident. The android claims to remember nothing about it, but the siblings suspect that she is hiding something. Vanya struggles with her violin skill and she and Leonard get to know each other better. Number Five starts an observation of the manufacturer of the prosthetic eye. Agnes, the waitress at the doughnut cafe, describes the umbrella tattoo of Number Five to Cha-Cha and Hazel, leading them to the Hargreeves's house. As Luther and Allison gather the rest of their siblings to watch the footage, Diego reveals he took the monocle from Grace after the funeral and threw it away. The siblings disagree on whether to turn off Grace or not. Cha-Cha and Hazel break into the Hargreeves's house and attack Luther, Diego, Allison, and Vanya, but flee and kidnap Klaus when the siblings fight back. Diego finally turns off Grace, as she is totally oblivious of the fight and shows other malfunctions.  "Man on the Moon"

  Seven years ago, Hargreeves sends Luther on a mission that goes severely wrong. To save his life, Hargreeves injects Luther with a serum that also transforms his body into that of an ape. In the present, Allison and Luther find the deactivated Grace and assume the hit-men shut her off. Leonard and Vanya bond and agree to go to dinner. Meanwhile, Cha-cha and Hazel torture Klaus to get information about Five. When they begin to destroy Klaus's drugs, he gives up information, and after sobering up, he begins to see their dead victims. Five threatens the man from Meritech to get more information about the prosthetic eye. Cha-cha and Hazel, now aware of Five's investigation, go to the lab and torch it. Diego and Luther find Five passed out drunk. Patch goes to the motel to search for the two hit-men and frees Klaus but gets killed by Cha-cha. Klaus escapes through the vents with the briefcase. As he opens the briefcase, he time travels.
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